Our Profile

PFCAfrica Communications Limited (formerly Pauline Fredericks & Co ) is in business to simplify the art of Creative Communications; be the preferred Agency for discerning clients across Africa and an accountable advisor that:

Understand multiple audiences and manage their complex interactions
Influence with a full range of communication tools and perspectives
Advise without prejudice
Guaranty all category of audiences, a consistent experience


We have to consistently grow our partners businesses, ensure perpetually infatuated clients and maintain relationships, by delivering multichannels & effective solutions for local and regional clients across Africa by

Defending their unique identities
Developing their image and credibility, while defending their hard earned reputation
Deploying their most competitive relationship strategies with their stakeholders.


Our Core Values include but not limited to:

Ethical Business Practices
Innovation & Creativity
Passion for Excellence
Integrity & Loyalty
Partnership & Commitment